PHP Destructors

Learn how to use destructors in PHP to perform cleanup tasks when an object is destroyed.

Introduction to Destructors

A destructor is a special method that is automatically called when an object of a class is destroyed. It is typically used to free resources or perform cleanup operations, such as closing database connections or releasing file handles.

Defining a Destructor

In PHP, you define a destructor using the __destruct() method. This method is called when there are no references to the object or when the script ends.

class Car {
    public $color;

    public function __construct($color) {
        $this->color = $color; // Initialize color property

    // Destructor
    public function __destruct() {
        echo "The car with color {$this->color} is being destroyed.
"; } } ?>

Creating Objects with Destructors

When an object is created, you can use it as usual. When the script ends or the object goes out of scope, the destructor will be invoked automatically.

$myCar = new Car("red");
echo "Car created: " . $myCar->color . "
"; // The destructor will be called at the end of the script ?>

Destructors and Resource Management

Destructors are particularly useful for managing resources, such as database connections or file handles. For example, you can use a destructor to close a database connection when the object is destroyed.

class Database {
    private $connection;

    public function __construct($host, $user, $password, $dbname) {
        $this->connection = new mysqli($host, $user, $password, $dbname);

    // Destructor to close the database connection
    public function __destruct() {
        echo "Database connection closed.
"; } } ?>

Manual Destruction of Objects

You can manually destroy an object using the unset() function, which will immediately call the destructor.

$myCar = new Car("blue");
unset($myCar); // Destructor is called here


Destructors are an important feature in PHP for resource management and cleanup. By defining a destructor, you can ensure that resources are released appropriately when an object is no longer needed, making your applications more efficient and stable.