SQL ANY and ALL Operators

Learn how to use the SQL ANY and ALL operators to compare values in your SQL queries.


The ANY and ALL operators are used in SQL to compare a value against a set of values returned by a subquery. These operators allow for flexible querying, enabling you to check if a condition holds for any or all values in a set.

1. The ANY Operator

The ANY operator compares a value to any value in a list or subquery. It returns true if the comparison is true for at least one of the values.


value operator ANY (subquery)


Suppose we have a table called Products with columns ProductID, ProductName, and Price. To find products that are cheaper than any product in the Electronics category:

$sql = "SELECT ProductName, Price FROM Products
WHERE Price < ANY (SELECT Price FROM Products WHERE Category = 'Electronics')";

This query selects products that are cheaper than at least one product in the Electronics category.

2. The ALL Operator

The ALL operator compares a value to all values in a list or subquery. It returns true if the comparison is true for every value.


value operator ALL (subquery)


To find products that are more expensive than all products in the Electronics category:

$sql = "SELECT ProductName, Price FROM Products
WHERE Price > ALL (SELECT Price FROM Products WHERE Category = 'Electronics')";

This query selects products that are more expensive than every product in the Electronics category.

3. Important Notes

  • The subquery must return a single column.
  • Both operators work with numeric, string, or date types.
  • If the subquery returns no rows, ANY will evaluate to false, while ALL will evaluate to true.


The ANY and ALL operators in SQL provide powerful tools for making comparisons across sets of values. By understanding how to use these operators effectively, you can write more dynamic and flexible SQL queries.