Python Sets


Sets are used to store multiple items in a single variable. They are similar to other datatypes like tuples and lists.

Sets are created using curly brackets { }.

Sets are immutable data types, meaning they cannot be edited after creation.

Unordered and Immutable

Sets are unordered and do not have a definite order. They are also unindexed and immutable.

This means you cannot change individual elements of a set, but you can add or remove items.

Duplicates are Not Allowed

Sets do not allow duplicate elements. If there are identical elements, they will be considered the same.


Example of a Python Set


{'Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange'}

In sets, True and 1 are considered to be the same, and False and 0 are considered the same.

Example 1

Example of a Python Set with mixed elements


{0, True, 2, 'Apple'}

Example 2

Another example of a Python Set


{0, 1, 6, 'Orange', 11}

Set Length

The length of a set is the number of elements it contains, and it can be determined using the len() function.


Example of finding length of a Python Set



The set() Constructor

The set() constructor can be used to create a set from a sequence (like a list or tuple).


Example of using set() constructor in Python


{96, 97, 98, 99}