A favicon (short for favorite icon) is a small, iconic image that represents a website, typically displayed in the browser's address bar, tabs, bookmarks, and other places where website icons are shown.

1. Create Your Favicon:

  • Design a small square image (usually 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels) that represents your website or brand. Common formats include .ico, .png, and .gif.

2. Save Your Favicon:

  • Save your favicon image file to your project directory. Ensure the filename is simple and memorable, like favicon.ico.

3. Link Your Favicon in HTML:

  • Add a <link> tag inside the <head>section of your HTML document to link to your favicon file. The rel="icon" attribute specifies the relationship between the document and the favicon, and the type attribute indicates the file format.
  • If your favicon is in PNG format (which is common for modern designs), you can use this code instead:
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  • If your favicon is in PNG format (which is common for modern designs), you can use this code instead:
  • 2

4. Place the Favicon File:

  • Ensure the favicon file (favicon.ico or favicon.png) is placed in the root directory of your website or in a specific directory (/images, /icons, etc.) that you reference correctly in the tag.

5. Verify Favicon Display:

  • After adding the favicon to your HTML, save the file and open your website in a browser. You should see your favicon displayed in the browser's tab and address bar.

6. Consider Different Devices:

  • For better compatibility and appearance on different devices (such as high-resolution screens or mobile devices), you might want to provide multiple sizes of your favicon and use the appropriate <link>tags with the sizes attribute.
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