h1 class="text-center text-2xl md:text-4xl font-extrabold my-3 mb-5">HTML HEADING

Headings are a fundamental part of HTML and play a crucial role in both content organization and accessibility.

Syntax For HTML Headings syntax
  • <h1> Defines the most important heading.
  • <h2> Defines the second most important heading.
  • <h3> Defines the third most important heading.
  • <h4> Defines the fourth most important heading.
  • <h5> Defines the fifth most important heading.
  • <h6> Defines the least important heading.
Example For HTML Headings syntax
  • <h1> The <h1> tag defines the top-level heading. It is typically used for the main title of the page. This heading is the largest and most prominent.
  • <h2> The <h2>tag is used for subheadings or sections under the <h1> heading. It is slightly smaller but still prominent.
  • <h3> The <h3>tag is used for subsections under<h2>. It continues the hierarchy with smaller text.
  • <h4> The <h4> tag defines headings under <h3>. It is smaller and used for further subsections.
  • <h5> The <h5> tag is used for headings under <h4>. It is even smaller and used for less important sections.
  • <h6> The tag defines the smallest and least important heading. It is used for the smallest sections in the hierarchy.
Output : syntax