Installing Visual Studio Code on Windows

1. Download VS Code:

  • Visit the official Visual Studio Code website.
  • Click on the "Download for Windows" button to download the installer (VSCodeSetup-{version}.exe).

2. Run the Installer:

  • Once downloaded, double-click on the downloaded '.exe' file to launch the installer.

3. Follow Installation Steps:

  • The installer will guide you through the installation process.
  • You can choose the installation location, create desktop shortcuts, and optionally add VS Code to your PATH for command-line access..

4. Launch VS Code:

  • After installation completes, you can launch Visual Studio Code by searching for it in the Start menu or by clicking on the desktop shortcut if you opted to create one during installation.

Installing Visual Studio Code on macOS:

1. Download VS Code:

2. Open the .zip File:

  • Once downloaded, open the downloaded .zip file to extract the VS Code application (Visual Studio

3. Move to Applications Folder:

  • Drag the Visual Studio file into the Applications folder on your macOS system.

4. Launch VS Code:

  • Navigate to the Applications folder and double-click on Visual Studio to launch it.

5. Optional: Add to Dock:

  • If you plan to use VS Code frequently, you can right-click on the VS Code icon in the Dock and select "Keep in Dock" for easy access.

Installing Visual Studio Code on Linux

1. Download VS Code:

  • Visit the official Visual Studio Code website.
  • Click on the "Download for Linux" button to download the .deb (Debian/Ubuntu) or .rpm (Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE) package depending on your Linux distribution.

2. Install Using Package Manager:

  • Debian/Ubuntu: Open a terminal and run:
  • installation 1
  • Red Hat/Fedora: Open a terminal and run:
  • installation 2

Note: Replace " < path_to_downloaded_deb_file> " or " <path_to_downloaded_rpm_file> with the actual path to the downloaded file.

Updating Visual Studio Code:

  • Visual Studio Code updates automatically by default. You will be notified when updates are available, and you can choose to install them.
  • On Windows and macOS, you can also manually check for updates by clicking on Help Check for Updates.
  • On Linux, updates are managed through your package manager (apt, yum, etc.) if you installed VS Code via package repositories.


  • VS Code supports extensions that enhance its functionality for different programming languages, frameworks, and tools.
  • You can explore and install extensions directly from within VS Code by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar (or View Extensions).